Monday, April 11, 2016

A Mistake Gone Right

Recently I was machine quilting a UFO (unfinished object) that I had started at least five years ago. As I quilted along I felt some drag on the quilt. I pulled my quilt away from my sewing machine and saw I had accidentally sewn a strip of another fabric onto the back of my quilt. I cut away the extra bits and ended up with this interesting shape.

I posted the picture on FB, along with a warning to be sure to clear off your work surface before machine quilting so you don't have this happen. To my surprise this picture got the most likes and comments of ANYTHING I've ever posted on the Leah Day Quilting group. This includes quilts that I'm really proud of. There were comments commiserating with me and thanking me for the reminder to clear their workspace. But many of the comments I got were about how they liked the shape. There were even some clever suggestions to make it my signature shape and use it on all my quilts.

I'd already decided to leave it on the quilt because it does go well with the front of the quilt and it is a cute shape.

Here's hoping you enjoy your mistakes as much as I have enjoyed making this one.