It turns out that after almost twenty years of quilting, there is suddenly some pressure to declare myself as either a modern quilter or a traditional one.
Belonging to a guild is a great way to be inspired by the work of other quilters and to share in a craft with others who are passionate about it. Who else will be as interested as I am in the details of thread, needles, batting, and fabric as another quilter?
Here's the thing--I don't want to have to choose a label other than quilter. If I feel like making something with a modern feel, a traditional feel, an art quilt, a tote bag, or a placemat, I will make it. I've seen amazing quilts as well as quilts that were not to my taste in all styles of quilting. Why limit my options by thinking of myself as a very specific kind of quilter? Why not allow myself the freedom to express myself however I want without worrying about whether my quilt will be acceptable to the sensibilities of certain groups of other quilters?
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